Kaspersky Security Center API description
The reasons for the current general status value are presented by the following reasons as a bitmask:
Value | Description | Output parameters |
0 | No new critical events or errors found. | |
1 | There are N new critical events registered on the server (starting from the moment when the status was reset). Status can be reset. | N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_CriticalSrvEventsCnt. |
2 | The Administration Server task T failed (starting from the moment when the status was reset). Status can be reset. | Output parameters:
4 | N new user requests raised. | N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_UserRequestsCnt. |
8 | There are N new error events registered on the server (starting from the moment when the status was reset). Status can be reset. | N - KLSTS_Par_Ev_ErrorSrvEventsCnt. |
16 | N computers in administration groups have not searched for Windows updates for long time (based on computer status). | N - KLSTS_Par_Ev_WuaDataObsoleteCnt. |
32 | There are N software updates to be installed and which have EULA to be accepted first. | N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_VapmEulaUpdatesCnt. |
64 | There are N new hosts which have a status that is not OK (other reasons, not analyzed in other statuses). | N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_BadStatusHostsCnt. |
128 | New APS files were appeared after last notice. | |
512 | There are applicable patches for managed Kaspersky products that are not yet approved by the administrator. | |
1024 | There are applicable patches for managed Kaspersky products that have KSN agreements that are not yet accepted by the administrator. | |
2048 | There are applicable patches for managed Kaspersky products that have EULAs that are not yet accepted by the administrator. | |
4096 | There are installed revoked patches that are not yet declined by the administrator. | |
8192 | Kaspersky Security Center requires reboot on reason X. | X is KLSTS_Par_Ev_AdmSrvRbtRsn. |
16384 | N new versions of already used products available to download, including M KSC components. | Output parameters: |
32768 | N new product distributives available to download. | N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_NewProductsCnt. |
65536 | N KSC MMC-console plug-ins must be upgraded to manage the applicable or installed seamless updates. | Output parameters:
131072 | There are mobile EULAs that are not yet accepted by the administrator. | |
262144 | Accepted KSN agreement is obsolete. | ID is c_sts_Par_Ev_ExpectedKsnAgreementId. |
524288 | There are OAuth2 clients that are not yet approved by administrator. | |
1048576 | There are OAuth2 resource servers that are not yet approved by administrator. | |
2097152 | Issuer URL CA will expire soon. | Array of certificates name from Issuer URL CA chain, which will expire soon, is c_sts_Par_Ev_AdfsIssuerUrlCaExpiresSoonNames. |
4194304 | DPA is not accepted by the administrator. | Number of DPA not yet accepted by administrator is KLSTS_Par_Ev_DpaNotAccepted. |