About upgrading Kaspersky Security Center

This section contains information on how to upgrade Kaspersky Security Center from a previous version. You can upgrade Kaspersky Security Center in different ways, depending on whether Kaspersky Security Center was installed locally or on the Kaspersky Security Center failover cluster nodes.

During the upgrade, concurrent use of the DBMS by Administration Server and another application is strictly forbidden.

Note that if you upgrade the Administration Server to the version 15.1, you will not be able to create new installation packages of Network Agent version 15 or earlier. However, previously created installation packages will be available.

When you upgrade Kaspersky Security Center from a previous version, all the installed plug-ins of supported Kaspersky applications are kept. The Administration Server plug-in and Network Agent plug-in are upgraded automatically (both for the Administration Console and Kaspersky Security Center Web Console).

In this section

Upgrading Kaspersky Security Center from a previous version

Upgrading Kaspersky Security Center on the Kaspersky Security Center failover cluster nodes

Upgrading Kaspersky Security Center on the Microsoft failover cluster nodes

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