Upgrading Kaspersky Security Center on the Microsoft failover cluster nodes

You can upgrade Administration Server version 15.1 on every Microsoft failover cluster node that has an earlier version of the Administration Server installed (starting from version 13.2). When upgrading to version 15.1, all data and settings from the previous version of Administration Server are preserved.

To upgrade Kaspersky Security Center on the Microsoft failover cluster nodes, perform the following actions on any node of the cluster:

  1. Run the ksc_15.1_<build number>_full_<language>.exe executable file.

    A window opens and prompts you to select the Kaspersky applications to upgrade. Click the Install Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server link to start the Administration Server setup wizard. Follow the wizard instructions.

  2. Read the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you agree with all the terms of the License Agreement and the Privacy Policy, select the following check boxes in the I confirm I have fully read, understood, and accept the following section:
    • The terms and conditions of this EULA
    • Privacy Policy describing the handling of data

    Select both check boxes to continue the installation.

    If you do not accept the License Agreement or Privacy Policy, click the Cancel button to cancel the upgrade.

  3. In the Type of installation on cluster window, select the Cluster (install on all cluster nodes).

    Next, the installer configures and finishes upgrading the Administration Server on all nodes of the cluster. During the upgrade, the Administration Server settings cannot be changed.

As a result, you installed the latest version of the Administration Server on the Microsoft failover cluster nodes.

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