Immediately after the account is created, you can register a company and create a workspace for it.
If you want to protect more than 10,000 devices, you do not have to register a company and create a workspace on Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console as described below. Instead, send a request to Kaspersky Technical Support. In the request, specify information about your company and the workspace that you want to create.
Before you start, make sure that you know the following:
To register a company and create a workspace in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console:
The Create a workspace wizard starts. Proceed through the wizard by using the Next button.
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, do not use Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.
If you click the Decline button, the workspace creation process will be terminated.
Fill in the following fields:
Specify the name of the company in which you intend to use the software solution. You can enter a string up to 255 characters long. The string can contain upper- and lowercase characters, numerals, whitespaces, dots, commas, minuses, dashes, and underscores. The specified company name will be displayed in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.
You may specify additional information about the company that you register. You can enter a string up to 255 characters long. The string can contain upper- and lowercase characters, numerals, whitespaces, dots, commas, minuses, dashes, and underscores.
Fill in the following required fields:
In the entry field, you can enter a number from 300 to 10,000.
We recommend that you connect your own devices to your trial workspace and test any modifications to the settings, noting the results.
You will not be able to switch a trial workspace to commercial mode by entering an activation code. To switch to commercial mode, you must delete the workspace and create it again.
Registration of a company and creation of a workspace in Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console is complete.
After the workspace is prepared, you receive an email message with the link to access the workspace.
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