Using the klbackup utility to back up and recover data

You can copy Administration Server data for backup and future recovery using the klbackup utility, which is part of the Kaspersky Security Center distribution kit.

If you backed up data of Administration Server included in Kaspersky Security Center 15.0 or earlier when using the MariaDB DBMS of an earlier version, and then recover data on a device with a later version of MariaDB, an error may occur. For more information, refer to How to restore Administration Server data from a backup created on an earlier DBMS version.

To create a backup copy or recover Administration Server data in silent mode,

Run klbackup with the required set of keys from the command line of the device that has Administration Server installed.

Utility command line syntax:

klbackup -path BACKUP_PATH [-linux_path LINUX_PATH][-node_cert CERT_PATH] [-logfile LOGFILE] [-use_ts]|[-restore] [-password PASSWORD]

If no password is specified in the command line of the klbackup utility, the utility prompts you to enter the password interactively.

Descriptions of the keys:

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