Kaspersky Safe Kids for Android/iOS

About free, trial, and Premium versions

You can use the following versions of the application:

  • Free version. The free version of Kaspersky Safe Kids offers the basic functionality. You can switch from the free version to the Premium version by purchasing the Premium version in the online store or on the My Kaspersky website.
  • Trial version. The trial version lets you use full app functionality during a trial period without paying a fee. You can switch from the trial version to the Premium version of the app. When the trial period expires, the app automatically switches to the free version.
  • Premium version. The Premium version of Kaspersky Safe Kids offers the application's full functionality. The Premium version has a limited subscription period. When the subscription expires, the application's Premium features are disabled and the application switches to the free version. You can continue using the free version of Kaspersky Safe Kids or renew the Premium version.