Creating a TLS certificate

To create a TLS certificate:

  1. In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Encryption Keys section and TLS subsection.
  2. Click the Create button in the upper part of the workspace.

    The Create TLS certificate window opens.

  3. In the TLS certificate name, type the name of the TLS certificate to be sent to the SMTP client for authentication at the beginning of each TLS session.

    The TLS certificate of the server is provided when Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway acts in the role of a mail server (receives messages).

    The TLS certificate name cannot be blank.

  4. In the Country code field, type the two-letter code of the country in which your organization is located.

    For example, you can type RU for Russia or US for the USA.

  5. In the State field, type the name of the state or region where your organization is located.
  6. In the Locality field, type the name of the city where your organization is located.
  7. In the Organization Unit field, type the name of the organizational unit for which you are creating the TLS certificate.
  8. In the Email address field, specify the email address of the Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway administrator.
  9. Click OK.

The TLS certificate you have created appears in the list of TLS certificates in the workspace of the main window of the application web interface.

See also

Using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

About using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Configuring TLS security for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway in Server role

Configuring TLS security for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway in Client role

Deleting a TLS certificate

Preparing a self-signed TLS certificate for import

Preparing to import a TLS certificate signed by a certification authority

Importing the TLS certificate from file

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