Before importing TLS certificates via the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, you have to prepare them for import.
You can prepare certificates of the following types for import:
Self-signed certificates are normally used to test and debug SSL and TLS encryption of connections. You are advised to use certificates signed by a certification authority (CA certificates) on public servers.
To import a TLS certificate from file:
The Import TLS certificate window opens.
The file selection window opens in the web browser that you use.
The certificate file (Preparing a self-signed TLS certificate for import, Preparing to import a TLS certificate signed by a certification authority) must contain the TLS certificate and a private TLS key with the pem extension. The private key must not be encrypted or password-protected.
The file selection window closes.
The Import TLS certificate window closes.
The TLS certificate appears in the list of TLS certificates in the workspace of the main window of the application web interface.