Step 8. Finishing the virtual machine creation

To complete the creation of a virtual machine on a Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor:

  1. Verify that the virtual machine settings configured at previous steps are correct.
  2. If all settings are configured correctly, click the Finish button.

The wizard finishes. A new virtual machine appears in the right part of the Microsoft Hyper-V Manager window.

Before you start using the program, you have to change the number of CPUs for the virtual machine.

See also

Deploying the virtual machine image on a Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor

Preparing to deploy

Step 1. Starting the Virtual Machine Creation Wizard

Step 2. Selecting virtual machine name and location

Step 3. Selecting virtual machine generation

Step 4. Allocating memory for the virtual machine

Step 5. Configuring network connection

Step 6. Connecting a virtual hard drive

Step 7. Selecting disk drive for virtual machine image deployment

Step 9. Starting the virtual machine

Step 10. Connecting to the virtual machine and starting the Setup Wizard

Step 11. Reviewing the License Agreement

Step 12. Installing the program on the virtual machine

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