Installing in silent mode using the wizard

Before starting installation of the Integration Server and Integration Server Console, it is recommended to close the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.

To install the Integration Server and Integration Server Console in silent mode using the wizard:

ksvla-components_<solution version>_mlg.exe -q --lang=<language ID> --accept-EulaAndPrivacyPolicy=yes --viisPass=<password> [--log-path=<file path>] [--viisPort=<port number>]


To view a description of all available command line parameters for installing and updating Kaspersky Security components, use the --help parameter.

Installing the Integration Server and Integration Server Console takes some time. Information about the work of the Wizard is written to trace files of the Kaspersky Security Components Installation Wizard. If the wizard completed with an error, you can use these files when contacting Technical Support.

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