Service monitoring

You can use the following functionality to monitor the status of all services except cold storage and agent:

The following examples show how to monitor service status.

  1. If the collector service has a yellow status in the Active services section and you see the Enrichment errors increasing message, you can:
    • Go to Metrics → <service type> → <service name> → Enrichment → Errors section of KUMA for the service with the yellow status, find out which enrichment is causing errors, and view the chart to find out when the problem started and how it evolved.
    • The likely cause of the enrichment errors may be DNS server unavailability or CyberTrace enrichment errors, therefore you can check your DNS or CyberTrace connection settings.
  2. If the collector service has a yellow status in the Active services section and you see the Output Event Loss increasing message, you can:
    • Go to the Metrics → <service type> → <service name> → IO → Output Event Loss section of KUMA for the service with the yellow status and view the chart to find out when the problem started and how it evolved.
    • The likely cause of the enrichment errors may be a buffer overflow or unavailability of destination, therefore you can check the availability and the connection of the destination or find out why the buffer capacity is exceeded.

Configuring service monitoring

To configure the services:

  1. In the KUMA web console, go to the SettingsService monitoring section.
  2. Specify the values of monitoring parameters for the services.

    Service monitoring does not apply to cold storage.

    If you specify an invalid value that does not fit the range or format, the value is reset to the previously configured value.

  3. Click Save.

    After saving the parameters, KUMA registers a audit event: Monitoring thresholds changed for the service.

KUMA monitors the status of services in accordance with the specified parameters.

In the Active services section, you can filter services by statuses or enter a word from the error text, for example, "QPS" or "buffer", in the search field and press ENTER. This results in a list of services with errors. Special characters ", },{, are not allowed in the search string and will produce irrelevant results.

Disabling service monitoring

To disable service monitoring:

  1. In the KUMA web console, go to the SettingsService monitoring section.
  2. If you want to disable service monitoring only for collectors, in the Service monitoring. Thresholds setting window, under Collectors, select the Disable connector errors check box.

    This disables only the analysis of the Connector errors metric for collectors.

  3. If you want to disable monitoring for all services, in the Service monitoring. Thresholds setting window, select the Disable check box.

KUMA service monitoring is disabled, and services do not get the yellow status.

In this section

Viewing KUMA metrics

KUMA metric alert triggering conditions

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