In the application web interface, in the section for switching between workspaces, select the name of the relevant workspace.
Select the Workspace settings section.
Select Create custom block page.
If you want to copy the text and markup of the default block page defined in the general settings, click the Copy from default block page link in the lower-right corner of the window.
Change the text of the page in the %TEXT% macro field and/or the page markup in the HTML code field.
If you want to add a macro to the message text, select one of the supported macros from the Insert macro drop-down list.
You can also use the macro %TEXT%, which is the contents of the %TEXT% macro field (available only for the HTML code field).
If there are multiple values in one macro, these values are separated with commas.
Click Preview to verify the modifications.
Click Save.
The block page for the workspace has been configured. The defined text will be displayed to users in this workspace. The default block page will be displayed to all other users.
If a rule with a configured block page is triggered, the block page for the rule is used instead of the page for the workspace or the default page.