Users are granted permissions to operate Kaspersky Anti-Virus by including them in the following functional groups: Security administrators, Control Center administrators and Administrators with restricted privileges. You will need to define the composition of these groups during installation of the application.
The functional groups are formed only during the primary installation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. When the application is installed on additional servers using the distributed deployment model, the ACL of the primary installation server's databases is used as the source of information about the composition of functional groups.
To simplify the procedure for granting permissions, it is recommended that functional groups contain not individual users, but groups of users from the Lotus Domino server's Address Book. Before starting the installation process, in the Lotus Domino Address Book create user groups that will be used for granting privileges. There are no restrictions on the names of the groups. You can create the following groups:
The composition of each functional group is determined during installation of the application on the primary installation server.
When Kaspersky Anti-Virus is first installed, the user groups that will be granted permissions under the Control Center administrators and Administrators with restricted privileges functional groups can be empty. You will be able to add users to them after installing the application. A user group that will be granted permissions under the Security administrators functional group must contain at least one user from the Address book.
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