To configure Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary installation settings:
Make sure that the Primary installation check box is selected in the Deployment settings section.
Select the method of storing objects in the Quarantine database and its replicas. To do so, in the Deployment settings field select the Store quarantined objects in all replicas check box:
If the check box is selected, the Quarantine database will store all objects from both its own server and all other servers included in the distributed configuration. The System information section displays the Store quarantined objects in all replicas value.
If the Store quarantined objects in all replicas check box is cleared, the replicas of the Quarantine database will store only objects from its respective server. The System information section displays the Quarantine replicas contain objects from their server only value.
In the Protected servers field, specify the group of servers on which Kaspersky Anti-Virus is to be installed.
You can specify the names of groups of servers or the names of individual servers. To simplify the procedure for managing permissions, it is recommended that you use groups of installation servers from the Address book. Click the button to the right of the entry field and select a server group from the Address book of the Lotus Domino server or enter the group name manually. You can specify one or more groups in each field.
The default value in the Protected servers field is the LocalDomainServers group.
In the Security administrators, Control Center administrators, Administrators with restricted privileges fields, specify the groups of Lotus Domino users to be included in functional groups of the same name.
You can specify the names of user groups or the names of individual users. To simplify the procedure for managing permissions, it is recommended that you use user groups. Click the button to the right of the entry field and select user groups from the Address book of the Lotus Domino server or enter the group names manually. You can specify one or more groups in each field.
The default value of the Security administrators, Control Center administrators and Administrators with restricted privileges is the LocalDomainAdmins group.
In the Databases directory field of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus installation directories section, enter the path to the server directory in which the Lotus Notes databases for Kaspersky Anti-Virus will be installed. The field's default value is the path to the kavdatabases directory.