Managing privileges at the ACL level of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases

To grant privileges at the ACL level of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases, the application provides three functional groups: Security administrators, Control Center administrators and Administrators with restricted privileges.

The composition of each functional group is defined during installation. The administrator who installs the application creates the functional groups by selecting users and (or) user groups from the Address Book of the Lotus Domino server. During installation the elements of each functional group are automatically included in the ACL of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Lotus Notes databases.

The ACL of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases also includes the Default and Anonymous records and the servers on which the application is installed. The servers to be included in the ACL are specified by the administrator during installation of the application. The servers are assigned the Manager access level with rights to create, delete, replicate and copy documents. The No access level is set for the Default and Anonymous records in the ACL of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases.


In this section

Functional group privileges

Granting functional group privileges to users

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