During installation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, the administrator can include both individual users of Lotus Domino and groups of users in each of the three functional groups.
To simplify the permission-granting procedure, we recommend that rather than including individual users in the function groups that you include groups created in the Lotus Domino server's Address book. During installation these groups are included in the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases' ACL and are assigned functional group permissions. The Lotus Domino server administrator can subsequently grant privileges to users or restrict them by modifying the groups in the Address Book (including or excluding users).
If during installation of the application only individual users, not user groups, were included in the functional groups, the ACL of all the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases will need to be edited manually to manage the privileges. To deny a user functional group privileges, the user account must be deleted from the ACL of all the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases. To grant a user functional group privileges, the user account must be included in the ACL of all databases.
The ACL of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases can only be modified by users with privileges belonging to the Security administrators functional group.
It is recommended that user accounts in the ACL of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus databases be included in the group.
To grant a user functional group privileges: