Kaspersky CyberTrace

Logging settings

August 22, 2024

ID 156535

You can manage the logging settings in the Kaspersky CyberTrace web user interface by selecting the Settings tab, and then the Logging tab.

Under Logging settings, you can set the following settings:

  • Log directory—Directory in which log files are to be stored

    The path to the log files can be changed through the configuration file.

  • Log level

    The following values are possible:

    • None

      Logging is turned off.

      Corresponds to the non log level in the kl_feed_service_log.conf configuration file.

    • Error

      Only errors are logged.

      Corresponds to the err log level in the kl_feed_service_log.conf configuration file.

    • Info

      Errors and information messages are logged.

      Corresponds to the inf log level in the kl_feed_service_log.conf configuration file.

    • Debug

      All messages are logged

      Corresponds to the any log level in the kl_feed_service_log.conf configuration file.

  • Maximum log size (MB)—In megabytes
  • Delete old logs when the CyberTrace service starts—Option of removing log files created by previous sessions
  • Write to syslog—Option of whether logging must be performed by the syslog daemon

    If this option is selected, you cannot define the Maximum log size (MB) and Delete old logs when the CyberTrace service starts settings.

    This option is available only on Linux systems.

Learn more about log file contents.

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