Kaspersky for Windows

Your subscription expired

December 26, 2023

ID 210458

If you have automatic renewal activated, the subscription is automatically renewed for another term without your intervention. If you do not have automatic renewal activated, you must renew the subscription manually.

If you renew the subscription manually and you have previously added a reserve activation code in the application, when the current subscription expires, the application is automatically activated with the reserve activation code.

To renew a subscription:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Profile section. If your device is connected to your My Kaspersky account, your email address is displayed here.
  3. In subscription information, click Renew now.

    The website of the Kaspersky eStore or one of our partners opens in the default browser.

    During the purchase process, enter the email registered with your My Kaspersky account. If you do not have an account yet, it will be created with the specified email. After purchasing and connecting the application to your My Kaspersky account, the subscription is automatically activated on the device within an hour from renewal.

You can also send the new subscription to devices from your My Kaspersky account. For details about sending a subscription to a device connected to your account, see My Kaspersky help.

If you have not renewed your subscription, the application may switch to limited functionality mode.

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