Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

Installing and configuring images of operating systems and applications required for the operation of the Sandbox component

August 12, 2024

ID 245731

To scan objects, you can use your own (hereinafter also referred to as "custom") images of operating systems as well as preset images from the distribution kit. If you are using custom images, you can install any applications on these operating systems. The selection of applications for the preset images from the distribution kit cannot be modified.

The distribution kit includes preset ISO images of operating systems and applications required for the Sandbox component to work. Some operating systems and applications require activation.

The Sandbox component runs objects in selected operating systems and analyzes the behavior of these objects to detect malicious activity and indicators of targeted attacks and intrusions into the corporate IT infrastructure.

You can use custom and preset operating system images at the same time.

To use an operating system image for scanning objects by the Sandbox component, you must create a virtual machine for that image.

We strongly recommend that you use all of the necessary and available preset operating system images from the distribution kit on each Sandbox server.

If only some of the images from the distribution kit or only custom images are used, objects may be scanned with a reduced quality.

Creating virtual machines with preset images of operating systems from the distribution kit

Creating virtual machines with preset images of operating systems involves the following steps:

  1. Importing a template
  2. Creating a virtual machine
  3. Installing the virtual machine

Creating virtual machines with custom images of operating systems

Creating virtual machines with custom images of operating systems involves the following steps:

  1. Uploading the image of the operating system and applications that you want to install on the operating system to the Sandbox Storage.

    You can skip this step and upload the images while creating and editing a template.

  2. Create or import a custom template.
  3. Creating a virtual machine
  4. Installing the virtual machine

In case of problems with activation of operating systems or applications, the web interface of the Sandbox component displays an error message. If this happens, please contact Kaspersky Technical Support.

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