Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

Marking the completion of single alert processing

August 12, 2024

ID 247632

To mark one alert assigned to you as processed in the alerts table:

  1. Select the Alerts section in the window of the application web interface.

    This opens the table of alerts.

  2. In the State column of the alert that you want to mark as processed, click on your user name.
  3. In the action list, select Close alert.

The alert will be marked as processed.

To mark an alert as processed in the course of managing that alert:

  1. Select the Alerts section in the window of the application web interface.

    This opens the table of alerts.

  2. Open the alert that you want to mark as processed.

    Expand the list of actions. In the upper right corner of the window, click the arrow to the right of the button showing the alert status.

    This opens the list of actions.

  3. In the action list, select Close alert.

The alert will be marked as processed. If the alert was assigned to a different user, it will be marked as processed by you.

You can view all alerts that have been processed by a specific user by filtering alerts based on the status of their processing by the user.

If an alert based on TAA (IOA), IDS, or URL technology that is similar to a processed alert is received within the day (from 00:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.), the application will either create a new alert or update the information about an identical alert with the New or In process status.

Users with the Security auditor role cannot assign and process alerts.

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