Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack (KATA) Platform

Adding a comment to an alert

August 12, 2024

ID 247635

Users with the Senior security officer and Security officer roles can add a comment to an alert.

To add a comment to an alert:

  1. Select the Alerts section in the window of the application web interface.

    This opens the table of alerts.

  2. Select an alert for which you want to add a comment.

    This opens a window containing information about the alert.

  3. In the comment field under the Change log section, enter a comment for the alert.
  4. Click Add.

The comment will be added to the alert and will be displayed in the Change log section of this alert.

You can find commented alerts based on keywords within comments by filtering alerts based on received information.

Users with the Security auditor role can view comments for alerts but cannot edit the comments.

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