Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks

Using a script for local removal of application components

December 5, 2024

ID 214388

This article describes the procedure for local removal of an application component (Server or sensor) from a computer by using the kics4net-remove.sh script.

To locally remove a component of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks from a computer:

  1. Log in to the system using the account credentials of a user account with root privileges that you want to use to run the local removal script.
  2. Go to the folder with the unpacked files of scripts and packages for installing, verifying and removing application components, included in the distribution kit. The files are located in the kics4net-release_<application version>/linux-centos subfolder.
  3. Enter the command for running the application components local removal script:
    • If you want to delete the installed component files and all data saved by the application in the system, enter the command:

      bash kics4net-remove.sh --full

    • If you only want to delete the installed component files, enter the command:

      bash kics4net-remove.sh

    The script will begin removal of the component. During removal, the screen will display service messages regarding operations being completed.

Wait for the kics4net-remove.sh script to finish.

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