About Social Privacy

September 27, 2024

ID 231251

This feature is only available in the Personal or Family package of Kaspersky Security Cloud.

Popular social services like Google and Facebook collect your data while you use them. This information is used to personalize your search experience and social interactions. We believe that you should have the option to see which data is being collected and to stop sharing it with the app or other app users whenever you want. The Social Privacy feature lets you manage data collection and privacy preferences in several services — right from our app. With Social Privacy, take control of your data in a single app and learn more internet privacy tips.

How it works

To start using Social Privacy, accept the Privacy Statement as part of the first run wizard or later when you decide to use the feature. This applies if you are using Kaspersky app in the European Union. You can withdraw your consent at any time but doing that limits the functionality of the feature.

The table below shows the supported services and the data whose collection settings you can manage and change.


Manageable data


  • Search history (Google, YouTube)
  • Browsing and watch history (Google, YouTube)
  • Location history (Google Maps)


  • Advertising
  • Location
  • Other users' actions
  • Personal data
  • Search and friend requests


  • Profile visibility
  • Data privacy
  • Advertising data


  • Personal data
  • Other users' actions
  • Posts
  • Search history

For each type of data, you can manage the privacy settings in a more detailed way.

Besides managing data collection, the feature's main screen offers you several useful articles on the topic of social privacy. To read an article, tap its name in the Level up your privacy expertise section.

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