Kaspersky Security Center

Known issues

August 26, 2024

ID 211205

Kaspersky Security Center Linux has a number of limitations that are not critical to operation of the application:

  • If an Application Control rule is based on an application category that includes applications detected on Linux devices, the rule does not work. When you select applications from the applications registry to add them to an application category, make sure that you select the applications detected on Windows devices.
  • If an application from the Applications registry section was detected on a Linux device, the application properties do not contain information about related executable files.
  • If you install Network Agent on a device running the ALT Linux operating system through a remote installation task and you run this task under an account with non-root privileges, the task fails. Run the remote installation task under the root account, or create and use a stand-alone installation package of Network Agent to install the application locally.
  • If a list contains more than 20 items that are displayed on several pages and you click the Select all check box, Web Console selects only those items that are displayed on the current page. Note that this does not apply to the lists in the Managed devices, Device selections, and Tasks sections, where you can select all items from the list.
  • In the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows policy, in the Application Control section, after you select an application category and save the policy, the application category is not displayed as selected one in the policy.
  • After installation of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes, this application is not displayed in the device properties window.
  • In the policy for Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux, the user list is displayed incorrectly when you create an Application Control rule.
  • When the KSN Proxy service is disabled, the managed devices in a subgroup do not send status "KSN servers unavailable".
  • In reports with a letter format, a page break may cut a text line horizontally.
  • If case-sensitive collation is set for the database that you use for Kaspersky Security Center Linux, use the same case when you specify a device DNS name in the device moving rules and auto-tagging rules. Otherwise, the rules will not work.
  • In the Add secondary Administration Server wizard, if you specify an account with enabled two-step verification for authentication on the future secondary Server, the wizard finishes with an error. To resolve this issue, specify an account for which two-step verification is disabled or create the hierarchy from the future secondary Server.
  • If you open Kaspersky Security Center Web Console in different browsers and download the Administration Server certificate file in the Administration Server properties window, the downloaded files have different names.
  • An error occurs when you try to restore an object from the Backup repository (OperationsRepositoriesBackup) or send the object to Kaspersky.
  • The hardware information sent from a managed device to Administration Server may not be complete; some hardware items may not be specified.
  • A managed device that has more than one network adapter sends Administration Server information about the MAC address of the network adapter that is not the one that is used to connect to Administration Server.
  • In Astra Linux 64-bit edition, the klnagent-astra package cannot be upgraded with klnagent64_14 package: the old package klnagent64-astra will be removed, and the new package klnagent64 will be installed instead of upgrade, so the new icon for device with klnagent64_14 package will be added. You can remove the old icon for this device.

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