Kaspersky Security Center

About migration to Kaspersky Security Center

August 26, 2024

ID 242964

This section provides information about the methods available for migration from Kaspersky Security Center Windows to Kaspersky Security Center Linux.

By using the migration feature, you can transfer the administration group structure, included managed devices and other group objects (policies, tasks, global tasks, tags, and device selections) from Kaspersky Security Center Windows under management of Kaspersky Security Center Linux.

To transfer the full range of objects, use the Migration wizard. This wizard saves the selected objects into a ZIP file and allows you to import these objects from the ZIP file to Kaspersky Security Center Linux. Besides the wizard, you can also transfer the selected policies and tasks through KLP and KLT files.

To complete the migration and move the imported managed devices under management of Kaspersky Security Center Linux, in the current version of Kaspersky Security Center Linux, you can use the klmover utility or install Network Agent on the imported managed devices through a remote installation task. The remote installation task must be run through a Windows-based distribution point. To do this, assign a Windows device to act as a distribution point, and then enable the Using operating system resources through distribution points option in the remote installation task.

You can use the following methods to migrate your managed devices and data to Kaspersky Security Center Linux:

  • Migrate your managed devices and data through the Migration wizard:
    • Migration without a hierarchy of Administration Servers

      Choose this option if Administration Servers of Kaspersky Security Center Windows and Kaspersky Security Center Linux are not arranged into a hierarchy. You manage the migration process with two instances of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console—an instance for Kaspersky Security Center Windows and another one for Kaspersky Security Center Linux. In this case, you will use the export file (ZIP archive) that you created and downloaded during the export from Kaspersky Security Center Windows and import this file to Kaspersky Security Center Linux.

    • Migration using a hierarchy of Administration Servers

      Choose this option if Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center Windows acts as secondary to Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center Linux. You manage the migration process and switch between Servers within a single instance of Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. If you prefer this option, you can arrange Administration Servers into a hierarchy to simplify the migration procedure. To do this, create the hierarchy before starting the migration.

  • Export specific tasks from Kaspersky Security Center Windows, and then import the tasks to Kaspersky Security Center Linux.
  • Export specific policies from Kaspersky Security Center Windows, and then import the policies to Kaspersky Security Center Linux. The related policy profiles are exported and imported together with the selected policies.

See also:

Exporting group objects from Kaspersky Security Center Windows

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