About restrictions on the main functionality
April 17, 2023
ID 65288
Before the application is activated or after the commercial license expires, Kaspersky Security Center provides only the basic functionality of Administration Console. The limitations of this basic application operation are described below.
Mobile Device Management
You cannot create a new profile and assign it to a mobile device (iOS MDM) or to a mailbox (Exchange ActiveSync). Changes to existing profiles and assignment of profiles to mailboxes are always available.
Role-based access control
You cannot configure role-based access to the features of Kaspersky Security Center and managed Kaspersky applications.
This feature allows administrators to configure access rights to application features for Kaspersky Security Center users in one of the following ways:
- By configuring the rights for each user or group of users individually.
- By creating standard user roles with a predefined set of rights and assigning those roles to users depending on their scope of duties.
Managing applications
You cannot run the update installation task and the update removal task. All tasks that started before the license expired will be completed, but the latest updates will not be installed. For example, if the critical update installation task was started before the license expired, only critical updates found before the license expiration will be installed.
Launch and editing of the synchronization, vulnerability scan, and vulnerabilities database update tasks are always available. Also, there are no limitations on viewing, searching, or sorting of entries in the list of vulnerabilities and updates.
Installing updates and fixing vulnerabilities in third-party software automatically
You cannot create the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task. This task allows you to install updates and fix vulnerabilities in third-party software, including Microsoft software, on the managed devices. You can configure the task to install multiple updates and fixes automatically, according to certain rules.
Remote installation of operating systems and applications
Tasks for capturing and installing an operating system image cannot be run. Tasks that were started before the license expired will be completed.
Hardware inventory
Information about new devices cannot be retrieved through Mobile Device Server. Information about computers and connected devices is kept updated.
Notifications are not sent about changes in the configuration of devices.
The equipment list is available for viewing and editing manually.
Licensed applications group management
You cannot add a new license key.
Notifications are not sent about violations of license key usage restrictions.
Remote connection to client devices
Remote connection to client devices is not available.
Anti-virus security
Anti-Virus uses databases that were installed before the license expired.
Integration with cloud environments
When working in a cloud environment, you cannot use AWS, Azure, or Google API tools for cloud segment polling and installation of applications on devices. Interface elements that display functions specific for working in a cloud environment are also not available.