Denylist settings
October 7, 2024
ID 208986
With the help of the Denylist module, you can block incoming messages from certain senders.
To configure the list of the denied senders:
- Enable the Denylist module by switching on the module toggle button.
- Click the Select button.
The Sender denylist window opens.
- Click the Add sender button.
The Add a sender to the denylist window opens.
- In the Specify a complete email address or a mask entry field, provide an email address or several email addresses that should be added to the denylist separated by semicolons or line breaks.
If you want to block several senders at once, you can use masks. For instance, if you specify the * mask, the denylist contains all email addresses from the domain. You can also copy and paste a list of email addresses / masks separated by semicolons or line breaks in the entry field.
- Click Validate.
The provided email addresses / masks are displayed in the list.
If the email addresses / masks are entered incorrectly, they are displayed in the list in a red font, and you must introduce changes to save them.
- Click Save to save the list of provided addresses / masks.
- If you want to delete an email address / mask from the list:
- Click the Delete () button next to the email address / mask.
- Click Save.
Actions to be taken by the application
In the Action area, specify what the application must do with messages from senders added to the denylist.
- Delete and quarantine message
- Move to Junk Email folder
- Allow through
- Tag the subject
This option is available for the Allow through and Move to Junk Email folder actions.
Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 Denylist module has a higher priority than other settings configured in third-party applications that can allow skipping email messages from scanning.