Configuring Heuristic Analyzer and integration with other application components
To start the KSN Usage task, you must accept the Kaspersky Security Network Statement.
To configure Heuristic Analyzer and integration with other components:
- Open the Task settings window.
- On the General tab, clear or select the Use heuristic analyzer check box.
- If necessary, adjust the level of analysis using the slider.
- In the Integration with other components section, configure the following settings:
- Select or clear the Apply Trusted Zone check box.
Click the Trusted Zone link to open the Trusted Zone settings.
- Select or clear the Use KSN for protection check box.
The Send data about scanned files check box must be selected in the KSN Usage task settings.
- Select or clear the Block access to network shared resources for the hosts that show malicious activity check box.
- Select or clear the Launch critical areas scan when active infection is detected check box.
- Select or clear the Use Kaspersky Sandbox for protection check box.
The Kaspersky Sandbox functionality does not work if Kaspersky Endpoint Agent is not installed on the protected device.
The running Traffic Security task might obstruct the use of Kaspersky Sandbox. To use the Traffic Security task and Kaspersky Sandbox on the same protected device, restart Traffic Security task after the installation of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server and Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.
- Select or clear the Apply Trusted Zone check box.
- Click OK.
The newly configured settings will be applied.