Collecting traces and dumps
April 17, 2024
ID 269479
If you have not found a solution to your problem in the application documentation, we recommend visiting our forum. After you explain your problem to Kaspersky experts, they may ask you to create a trace file and a dump file. The trace file allows tracing the process of performing application commands step by step and determining the stage of application operation at which an error occurs. A dump file contains all information about the working memory of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool processes at the moment when the dump file was created. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool creates dumps when the application quits unexpectedly.
To enable trace file collection, run the following command:
./ -- -trace
You can also configure the trace level using the -tracelevel <level>
Next, you must reproduce the actions that led to the issue. As a result, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool creates trace and dump files in the following directory:
if the application was run by the superuser (root)./home/<user_name>/KVRT2024_Data/Traces
if the application was run by an ordinary user.
Files are stored in an encrypted form. Trace file names have the KVRT.<application_version>_<date>_<time>_*.log.enc1
format. Dump file names have the *.dmp.enc1
format. Only the user that ran the application can access the files.