Kaspersky CyberTrace

About Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds

February 27, 2024

ID 171550

This section describes Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds available for Kaspersky CyberTrace.

Basics of Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds

First-tier security vendors and enterprises use time-tested and authoritative Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds to produce premium security solutions or to protect their business.

Cyber attacks happen every day. Cyberthreats are constantly growing in frequency, complexity, and obfuscation, as they try to compromise your defenses. Adversaries currently use complicated intrusion kill chains, campaigns, and customized Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) to disrupt business or damage clients.

Kaspersky offers continuously updated Threat Data Feeds containing information about cyberthreats, risks and implications associated with cyberthreats, helping you to mitigate threats more effectively and defend against attacks even before they are launched.

Information contained in Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds

Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds contain thoroughly vetted threat indicator data sourced from numerous suppliers worldwide in real time.

Every indicator in each feed is enriched with actionable context that allows to plan further threat intelligence (threat names, time stamps, geolocation, resolved IPs, addresses of infected web resources, hashes, popularity, and so on). Contextual data helps to reveal the "big picture", further validating and supporting wide-ranging use of the data.

Set in context, the data can more readily be used to answer the who, what, where, and when questions that lead to the identification of adversaries, helping you make timely decisions and actions specific to your organization.

Available feed groups

Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds available for Kaspersky CyberTrace can be divided into the following major groups:

  • Commercial feeds

    This group contains regular commercial feeds that can be accessed with a commercial certificate. Feeds from this group cover a wide variety of cyberthreats.

  • APT feeds

    APT feeds are commercial feeds that contain information about cyberthreats related to advanced persistent threat (APT) campaigns.

  • Demo feeds

    Demo feeds can be used for evaluation purposes. These feeds do not require a commercial certificate. Demo feeds provide much lower detection rates than their corresponding commercial versions.

  • Diff feeds

    Diff feeds are designed to reduce the size of data loaded from Kaspersky update servers. Diff feeds are available for the most popular data feeds. For diff feeds, there are snapshots and diff parts available on the update servers. A snapshot is a full version of the feed generated daily. A diff part of the feed contains changes that must be applied to the feed to make it up-to-date. A diff part is generated according to the feed update frequency.

Commercial feeds

The following feeds are available in this group:

  • Botnet CnC URL Data Feed

    A set of URLs with context that cover desktop botnet C&C servers and related malicious objects (bots).

  • IP Reputation Data Feed

    A set of IP addresses with context that cover different categories of suspicious and malicious hosts.

  • Malicious Hash Data Feed

    A set of file hashes with context that cover the prevalent malware.

  • Malicious URL Data Feed

    A set of URLs with context that cover malicious websites and web pages.

  • Mobile Botnet CnC URL Data Feed

    A set of URLs with context that cover mobile botnet C&C servers and related malicious objects (bots).

  • Mobile Malicious Hash Data Feed

    A set of file hashes with context covering malicious objects that infect mobile Google™ Android™ and Apple iPhone devices.

  • Phishing URL Data Feed

    A set of URLs with context that cover phishing websites and web pages.

  • Ransomware URL Data Feed

    A set of URLs, domains, and hosts with context for detecting links and websites that host ransomware.

  • IoT URL Data Feed

    A set of URLs with context that cover malicious links used to download malware targeting Internet of Things-enabled (IoT) devices.

  • ICS Hash Data Feed

    A set of hashes with context covering the malicious objects that are used to attack the ICS (Industrial Control Systems) infrastructure.

APT Feeds

The following demo feeds are available in this group:

  • APT Hash Data Feed

    A set of hashes that cover malicious artifacts used by APT actors to conduct APT attacks.

  • APT IP Data Feed

    A set of IP addresses that belong to the infrastructure used in APT campaigns.

  • APT URL Data Feed

    A set of domains that belong to the infrastructure used in malicious APT campaigns.

Demo feeds

The following demo feeds are available in this group:

  • Demo Botnet CnC URL Data Feed

    Provides lower detection rates in comparison with Botnet CnC URL Data Feed.

  • Demo IP Reputation Data Feed

    Provides lower detection rates in comparison with IP Reputation Data Feed.

  • Demo Malicious Hash Data Feed

    Provides lower detection rates in comparison with Malicious Hash Data Feed.

Diff feeds

Diff versions are available for the following feeds:

  • Botnet CnC URL Data Feed
  • Phishing URL Data Feed
  • Malicious URL Data Feed

Sorting order for records in feeds

Feed records are sorted as follows:

  • Records in IP Reputation Data Feed are sorted by threat score in descending order.
  • Records in all other feeds are sorted by popularity in descending order.

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