Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2020

Command line parameters for managing Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2020

Latest update: February 24, 2021 ID: 15679

Do you want to prevent infections? Install Kaspersky for Windows

Kaspersky for Windows protects your digital life with technologies that go beyond anti-virus.


You can run Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool from the command line. Use the following additional parameters:

  1. Press Win and R keys simultaneously on your keyboard.

Win + R keyboard hotkey

  1. Drag-and-drop the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool icon into the Run window.

The Run window and the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool icon

  • The path to the file will be shown in the input field.
  1. Enter the parameter for running the tool after the file path and click ОК.
    Use the following parameters:
    • -h — show command line parameters
    • -trace — start writing traces
    • -tracelevel <level> — set the trace level If you don’t specify this parameter, the INF level will be used by default.
      • ERR — notifications on errors only
      • WRN — warnings and errors
      • INF — information notifications, warnings and errors
      • DBG — all notifications
    • -freboot — enable advanced mode.
    • -d <folder_path> — specify the folder for reports, quarantine and trace files.
    • -accepteula — automatically accept the License Agreement, Privacy Policy,and the KSN agreement
    • -silent — run scan without graphic interface. Used only with the -accepteula parameter.
    • -adinsilent — run active disinfection without displaying graphical user interface.
    • -processlevel <level> — set threat levels for objects to be neutralized in the console mode: 
      • 1 — neutralize objects with high threat level
      • 2 — neutralize objects with high and medium threat levels
      • 3 — neutralize objects with high, medium and low threat levels
    • If you don’t specify the level, all threats will be skipped.
    • -fixednames — disable file name randomizing.
    • -moddirpath <folder_path> —  specify a folder for temporary files.
    • -dontencrypt — do not encrypt trace and log files.
    • -allvolumes — add a scan of all logical drives.
    • -custom <folder_path> — add a scan of a selected folder. You can only select one folder. To scan several folders at a time, use the -customlist parameter. 
    • -customlist <file_path> — add a scan of folders specified in the text file. Paths to files must be entered without the parentheses. To separate the paths, press Enter.
    • -details — start writing a detailed log
    • -proxyconfig <file_path> — specify a path to the file with proxy settings in the command line mode
    • -noads — disable ads


Command example

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