Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server help

Starting automatic initial configuration of the Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server web interface

Initial configuration of the web interface of Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server can be performed in automatic mode. You can create a configuration file that saves your responses to commands by using the --create-auto-install=<full path to the configuration file> parameter when running the program's initial configuration script.

Possible values should be typed using lower-case characters.

To start initial configuration of the Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server web interface in automatic mode, run the following command:

  • for Linux:

/opt/kaspersky/klmsui/bin/klmsui-setup.pl \

--auto-install=<full path to the configuration file with the saved answers>

  • for FreeBSD:

/usr/local/bin/klmsui-setup.pl \

--auto-install=<full path to the configuration file with the saved answers>

The settings of the configuration file with answers are given in the following table.

Configuration file settings with answers for the Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server web interface



Available values


Required setting.

Acceptance of the terms of the License agreement.



Required setting.

Acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy.



Required setting.

Path to the directory of the Apache web server.


Case sensitive.


Required setting.

Path to the settings directory of the Apache web server.


Case sensitive.


Required setting.

Path to the startup script of the Apache web server.


Case sensitive.


Required setting.

Method of configuration of the virtual server of the Apache web server.

name | port | dir


Required setting if the value of the VHOST_TYPE setting is equal to "port".

Number of the port on the virtual server of the Apache web server.



Required setting if the value of the VHOST_TYPE setting is equal to "dir".


Specifies the path to the folder with the files of the Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server web interface.



Required setting if the value of the VHOST_TYPE setting is equal to "name".

Specifies the name of the virtual Apache web server.



Required setting.

Defines the socket (IP address and port) for interaction of the Apache web server with Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server.



Required setting.

Type of certificate. If the type is set to "new", the certificate is created by the initial configuration script.

The type "keep" is included in the list and selected by default if the certificate already exists.

new | file | keep


Required setting if the value of the CERT_TYPE setting is equal to "file".

Path to the private key to the Apache web server.


Case sensitive.


Required setting if the value of the CERT_TYPE setting is equal to "file".

Path to the certificate of the Apache web server.


Case sensitive.


Optional setting.

Specifies whether or not to ignore the error when the klmsui-setup.pl script cannot determine the bit value of the installed Apache server.

If the bit value of the server cannot be determined and the key value is set to "yes", integration continues.

yes | no