KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
wstring AdHosts::GetChildOUs ( int  idOU,
array  pFields,
int  lMaxLifeTime 

Acquire list of child OUs for specified OU.

Returns list of child organization units for specified organization unit

idOU(int) id of organization unit (or 0 to acquire root of hierarchy)
pFields(array) fields names to acquire, following names may be specified:
  • adhst_id
  • adhst_idParent
  • adhst_idComputer
  • adhst_binOu
lMaxLifeTime(int) max result-set lifetime in seconds, not more than 7200
(wstring) result-set ID, identifier of the server-side ordered collection. The result-set is destroyed and associated memory is freed in following cases:
See also:
List of attributes of organization units for attribute names
Sample. Creating group structure based on cached AD organization units structure.