KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params AppCtrlApi::GetExeFileInfo ( wstring  szwHostId,
long  lFileId,
params  pFilter 

Get data about instances of the execution file on the host.

szwHostId(wstring) host name, a unique server-generated string (see KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAME attribute). It is NOT the same as computer network name (DNS-, FQDN-, NetBIOS-name) . If empty then will be returned only attributes from List of common attributes of execution file from AppControl
lFileId(long) The file identifier ( see FILE_ID attribute ). It is id from database, so it is internal id and it is valid only for this SC-server )
pFilter(params) Specify set of the fields that should be returned.
To do this for field 'FieldName' it is needed to add into pFilter the value of any type with name 'FieldName'
If NULL than all possible fields will be returned.
to get all possible fields: use NULL
to get fields "FILE_ID" and "FILE_NAME" use:
                            +--"FILE_ID" = (paramString)""
                            +--"FILE_NAME" = (paramString)""
ppInfo (params) contains following attributes: