KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
CloudAccess::AcquireAccessForKeyPair ( int  enCloudType,
params  pKeyPair,
[out] boolean  bAllowScanning,
[out] boolean  bAllowDeployment 

Check key-pair access

enCloudType- Type of the cloud infrastructure being accessed (a KLCLOUD_TYPE_*), see: Cloud type (paramInt, mandatory)
pKeyPairauthentication settings (paramParams, mandatory).
"CLIENT_ID"Project ID, (paramString, mandatory)
"AZURE_APP_ID"Client EMail, (paramString, mandatory)
"CLIENT_SECRET"Private Key, must be protected globally as UTF8 string (paramBinary, mandatory)

"CLIENT_ID"Access Key ID, (paramString, mandatory)
"CLIENT_SECRET"Secret Access Key, must be protected globally as UTF8 string (paramBinary, mandatory)

"CLIENT_ID"Subscription ID, (paramString, mandatory)
"AZURE_APP_ID"Application ID (Client ID), (paramString, mandatory)
"CLIENT_SECRET"Client Secret, must be protected globally as UTF8 string (paramBinary, mandatory)
[out]bAllowScanning(boolean) access for pcloud device discovery
[out]bAllowDeployment(boolean) access for remote deployment