KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
DatabaseInfo::CheckBackupCloudPath2 ( int  nCloudType,
wstring  szwCloudPath,
wstring  szwClientId,
binary  pSecretChunk,
binary  pStorageKey,
wstring  szwAzureResName,
wstring  szwAzureResGroup,
wstring  szwAzureAppID 

Check the server administration and Cloud SQL (Amazon RDS or Azure SQL) permissions to read and write files along Cloud Storage (Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage)

nCloudType(int) Cloud type (KLCLOUD::CloudType)
szwCloudPath(wstring) Checkable cloud (Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage) path
szwClientId(wstring) Client ID for checkable cloud storage (Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage)
pSecretChunk(binary) Protected (using DataProtectionApi::ProtectUtf8StringGlobally) utf8 cloud storage (Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage) secret
pStorageKey(binary) Protected (using DataProtectionApi::ProtectUtf8StringGlobally) utf8 Azure storage key (empty for Amazon)
szwAzureResName(wstring) Azure SQL resource name (empty for Amazon)
szwAzureResGroup(wstring) Azure SQL resource group (empty for Amazon)
szwAzureAppID(wstring) Azure AppID (empty for Amazon)
Throwexception if there are no any permissions