KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
FilesAcceptor::InitiateFileUpload ( boolean  bIsArchive,
unsignedLong  qwFileSize,
[out] wstring  wstrFileId,
[out] wstring  wstrUploadURL 

Prepare server to accept file.

In order to upload file(s) to KSC server follow these steps:

  1. Call this function to get upload URL and file identifier which can be used in KSC API (e.g. uploading installation package)
  2. Upload file using provided URL via HTTP PUT calls
  3. Provide file identifier to KSC API to use file on server side

Uploaded file should be used immediately after upload. Otherwise it may be dropped by timeout or during KSC server restart.
Original file name is ignored, only returned file identifier is used to identify uploaded file.
If you need to transfer to server a directory or several files put them into zip or tar.gz archive and use 'bIsArchive' flag.
All path names inside archive must be in UTF-8 encoding.

[in]bIsArchive(boolean) Transferred file(s) archived
[in]qwFileSize(unsignedLong) Transferred file size. If archive is transferred then archive file size.
[out]wstrFileId(wstring) File identifier to be used in KSC API after file upload
[out]wstrUploadURL(wstring) relative URL on KSC server to upload file to. URL becomes invalid when file is uploaded, or after server is restarted, or CancelFileUpload is called.