KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
GatewayConnection::PrepareTunnelConnection ( array  pLocations,
wstring  szwTargetHostName,
int  nTargetPort,
[out] wstring  wstrAuthKey 

Create tunnel connection. See Creating gateway connections to know how to create tunnel connections. If any connection errors occur this method throws corresponding exception.

[in]pLocations- (array) of (params) gateway nodes locations. May contain zero or more secondary server locations and one host location.
[in]szwTargetHostName- target application location. Empty value means "localhost". Non-empty values require "Desktop sharing session" privilege.
[in]nTargetPort- target application port Access to 3389 port requires "RDP session" privilege.
[out]wstrAuthKey- one-time authentication key. Should be used in 'login' method call in KSCGW authentication scheme. Valid only for 60 seconds.
See also: