KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
wstring KLEVerControl::DownloadDistributiveAsync ( int  lDistribLocId,
params  pExtendedSettings 

Initiates the distributive download by URL to Administration Server.

After download, you can transfer the distributive from the Administration Server to all needed managed devices.

lDistribLocId[in] (int) distributive localization database ID. You can get this ID from the db_loc_id field.
pExtendedSettings[in] (params) additional ExecutablePkg parameter (boolean). The ExecutablePkg parameter accepts true if it is required to download the executable package.
(wstring) request ID of an asynchronous operation. To cancel the operation, call KLEVerControl.CancelDownloadDistributive. To get a status, call AsyncActionStateChecker.CheckActionState with the returned request ID as an action GUID. To get the result after completion, call KLEVerControl.GetDownloadDistributiveResult.