KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
MdmCertCtrlApi::UpdateIssuanceSettings ( array  pCertTypes)

Update issuance settings for specific certificate types.

pCertTypesarray (array) of issuance settings (paramParams)
AttributeTypeDescriptionAdditional information
"CI_nCertType"(paramInt)certificate typemandatory, see Certificate types
"CI_bFeatureActive"(paramBool)Is issuance feature activemandatory, if absent then it will be defaulted to false.
"CI_bAutorenewalEnabled"(paramBool)If autorenewal enabledoptional, True if certificate auto-renewal feature enabled, default value is False
"CI_nRenewalPeriodSec"(paramInt)Certificate renewal periodoptional, in seconds
"CI_bAutoIssuanceDisabled"(paramBool)Is certificate auto-issuance allowed optional, False if certificate auto-issuance allowed, True if custom certificates allowed only, default value is False
"CI_wstrPkiCertTemplateName"(paramString)PKI certificate template nameoptional
"CI_bEncryptionEnabled"(paramBool)Is certificate encryption feature enabled optional, True if certificate encryption feature enabled
"CI_nEncryptionPwdLength"(paramInt)certificate password length for certificate encryption featureoptional, min=8, max=16
"CI_nExpiryPeriod"(paramInt)Certificate expiry periodoptional, in days

If "CI_bFeatureActive" is false then settings will be removed, if it is true then settings will be updated.
If "CI_nRenewalPeriodSec" is missed/zero/negative then it's value will be set to value defined by AKLWNGTMDM_DEF_CERT_RENEWAL_PERIOD server parameter.
If "CI_nRenewalPeriodSec" is greater that zero but less than minimal allowed renewal period then it will be set to it.
Currently, minimal allowed renewal period is equal to 1 hour (3600 seconds).