KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
wstring NagGuiCalls::CallConnectorAsync ( wstring  szwProduct,
wstring  szwVersion,
wstring  szwCallName,
params  pInData 

Asynchronously connects to the remote host (if hasn't connected yet), and makes call with the specified name szwCallName

szwProductproduct name
szwVersionproduct settings compatibility version
szwCallNameremote call name
pInDatacall-specific input data
asynchronous request ID, used to get the result
Check the operation state by calling AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState periodically until it's finalized. If the operation succeeds then AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState returns call-results in pStateData. Otherwise, a call to AsyncActionStateChecker::CheckActionState returns error in pStateData.
Throwsexception in case of error, see Some error definitions