KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
NagHstCtl::SendTaskAction ( wstring  szwProduct,
wstring  szwVersion,
wstring  szwTaskStorageId,
int  nTaskAction 

Initiate changing state of tasks at host

The method sends to the specified product task one of such commands as 'start', 'stop', 'suspend', 'resume'.

szwProductProduct name *
szwVersionProduct version *
szwTaskStorageId"Tasks storage identifier of the task" (see HostTasks)
nTaskActionone of following values:
  • 5 (TSK_ACTION_START) start the task
  • 0 (TSK_ACTION_STOP) stop the task
  • 1 (TSK_ACTION_SUSPEND suspend the task
  • 2 (TSK_ACTION_RESUME) resume the task
See also: