KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
int NagNetworkListApi::GetListItemFileChunk2 ( wstring  listName,
wstring  itemId,
wstring  productName,
wstring  productVersion,
params  pOptions,
boolean  bNeedPacked,
unsignedInt  ulStartPos,
int  lBytesToRead,
[out] binary  pChunk 

Retrieves chunk of the file associated with network list item.

Values for listName and itemId see in Network lists which elements are associated with files Network lists which elements are associated with files. Supported from sc13.

listName[in] Network list name
itemId[in] Network list item identifier
productName[in] Product internal name. see "strListProductName"
productVersion[in] Product internal version. see "strListProductVersion"
pOptions[in] reserved
bNeedPacked[in] if true than will be get info about packed content of the file. It is useful if file is the virus and it is needed to load it.
ulStartPos[in] start position of the chunk
pChunk[out] binary data as array of bytes.
lBytesToRead[in] number of bytes to read
pChunk[out] binary data as array of bytes.
Return values:
lResultInteger, value from enum NLSTFileOperationResult