KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
NagRemoteScreen::GetWdsData ( params  pSharingHandle,
int  nLocalPortNumber,
[out] wstring  wstrTicket,
[out] wstring  wstrPassword 

Returns data specific for Windows Desktop Sharing

pSharingHandle(params) value of the sharing handle returned by OpenSession
nLocalPortNumber(int) the nLocalPortNumber parameter, port number of the local end of the tunnel; if klsctunnel utility is intended to be used for creating of the tunnel then specify here the value of the nHostPortNumber output parameter of the NagRemoteScreen::GetDataForTunnel method
wstrTicket(wstring) out the ticket (bstrConnectionString parameter for the IRDPSRAPIViewer.Connect method)
wstrPassword(wstring) out the password (bstrPassword parameter for the IRDPSRAPIViewer.Connect method)