KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
params PatchParameters::GetTemplate ( long  patchID,
int  locID 

Get template for command.

patchID(long) Identification of patch in vapm
locID(int) Patch LCID
parTemplate (params) Returns params (paramParams), which contains array of operation commands (paramArray of paramParams), each element of which contains command format (paramString) - like 'file.exe (%1|%2) [%3 %4 %5]', and array of params (paramArray of paramParams), which contains the following:
"strCmdParamTitle"paramStringTitle string for gui to ask from user.
"strCmdParamDescription"paramStringdescription string for gui to ask from user.
"nCmdParamType"paramIntType of command parameter.0 - Bool, 1 - FilePath, 2 - Numeric, 3 - Path, 4 - String.
"lCmdParamNum"paramLongParameter number.
"strCmdParamFormat"paramStringParameter format.i.e. /T=PAR%
"bCmdParamMandatory"paramDateTimeUTC time of group creation
"arrCmdParamValidValues"Array of paramStringValid values list.
"arrCmdParamAllowedSymb"Array of paramStringAllowed symbols list.Each symbol is represented as separate paramString

See example of returned value below:

        +--- (paramParams)
            +---arrOpCmds (paramArray)
            |   +---0 = (paramParams)
                |	+---strCmdFormat = (paramString)
                |	+---arrCmdParams (paramArray)
                    |   +---0 = (paramParams)
                        |	+---strCmdParamTitle = (paramString)
                        |	+---strCmdParamDescription = (paramString)
                        |   +---nCmdParamType = (paramInt)
                        |   +---lCmdParamNum = (long)
                        |   +---strCmdParamFormat = (paramString)
                        |   +---bCmdParamMandatory = (paramBool)
                        |   +---arrCmdParamValidValues (paramArray)
                            |     +---0 = (paramString)
                        |   +---arrCmdParamAllowedSymb (paramArray)
                            |     +---0 = (paramString)