KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
PluginDataStorage::ReplaceValues ( wstring  wstrPluginName,
params  pValues 

Add or replace values for specified keys in the Plugin Data Storage.

wstrPluginName(wstring) productname and version divided by slash (e.g. '1093/', '1103/', 'KES/'), up to 256 chars. See List of KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_NAME and KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_VERSION values for some products.
pValues(params), the name of each element is a key, and value is associated with the key value


    pValues (PARAMS_T)
       +---Key_0 = (INT_T)0
       +---Key_10 = (INT_T)10
       +---Key_11 = (INT_T)11
       +---Key_12 = (INT_T)12
       +---Key_14 = (INT_T)14
       +---Key_2 = (INT_T)2
       +---Key_4 = (INT_T)4
       +---Key_6 = (INT_T)6
       +---Key_8 = (INT_T)8