KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
QBTNetworkListApi::AddListItemTask ( wstring  listName,
int  itemId,
wstring  taskName,
params  pTaskParams 

Initiate action under the specified file from specified network list.

listName(wstring), name of the network list.
itemId(int), identifier of the file. (see "nId" attribute from Quarantine, Backup, TIF lists)
taskName(wstring), name of the action. List of supported actions
pTaskParams(params). Deprecated. May be empty but should be not null

See also Python code with use of KlAkOAPI Python package below:

      def AddTaskForAllEntries(strListName, strTaskName, server):
          oSrvView = KlAkOAPI.SrvView.KlAkSrvView(server)
          wstrIteratorId = oSrvView.ResetIterator(strListName, "", ["nId", "strHostName", "ObjName", "szDescription"], [], {}, lifetimeSec =  60 * 60 * 3).OutPar('wstrIteratorId')
          iRecordCount = oSrvView.GetRecordCount(wstrIteratorId).RetVal()
          iStep = 200
          iStart = 0
          while iStart < iRecordCount:
              pRecords = oSrvView.GetRecordRange(wstrIteratorId, iStart, iStart + iStep).OutPar('pRecords')
              for oObj in pRecords['KLCSP_ITERATOR_ARRAY']:
                  nId = oObj["nId"]
                  strHostName = oObj["strHostName"]
                  strObjName = oObj["ObjName"]
                  if "szDescription" in oObj:
                      strDescr = oObj["szDescription"]
                  # work with other fields...
                  KlAkOAPI.QBTNetworkListApi.KlAkQBTNetworkListApi(server).AddListItemTask(strListName, oObj["nId"], strTaskName, {})
              iStart += iStep + 1
      def main():
          server = KlAkOAPI.AdmServer.KlAkAdmServer.Create("https://ksc.example.com:13299", "username", "password", verify = False)
          # create scan task for each entry of Quarantine collection
          AddTaskForAllEntries("Quarantine", "ScanQuarantine", server)
          # restore all entries of Backup collection
          AddTaskForAllEntries("Backup", "RestoreObj", server)
          # scan and disinfect all entries of TIF collection
          AddTaskForAllEntries("TIF", "ScanQuarantine", server)