KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
array SrvSsRevision::SsRevision_GetNames ( wstring  szwId,
wstring  product,
wstring  version 

Enumerate contents of settings storage Retrieves list of sections

szwIdsettings storage identifier returned by SrvSsRevision::SsRevision_Open method
product(wstring) product name string, string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>. Empty string means that list of products is needed.
version(wstring) version string, string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>. Empty string means that list of versions is needed.
list of section if both wstrProduct and wstrVersion specified, list of version if only wstrProduct is specified, list of product is wstrProduct is not specified