KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
SsContents::Ss_Clear ( wstring  wstrID,
wstring  wstrProduct,
wstring  wstrVersion,
wstring  wstrSection,
params  pNewData 

Clear and write data in settings storage.

Replaces existing section contents with pData, i.e. existing section contents will deleted and variables from pData will be written to the section.

Changes are not saved until method Ss_Apply is called. Unsaved data is not available by methods Ss_Read and SS_GetNames.

wstrID(wstring) identifier of opened SsContents
wstrProduct(wstring) product name string, non-empty string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>.
wstrVersion(wstring) version string, non-empty string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>.
wstrSection(wstring) section name string, non-empty string, not longer than 31 character, and cannot contain characters /\:*?"<>.
pNewData(params) new data to write