KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
boolean TotpUserSettings::IfCanClearUser2FaSecret ( long  llTrusteeId,
[out] boolean  bLoggedInUsing2FA 

Checks whether calling user has enough access rights to clear 2FA secret.

[in]llTrusteeIdTrustee id to clear secret
[out]bLoggedInUsing2FAIf true, then user logged in using 2FA and is allowed to clear 2FA secret If false, then user is not logged in using 2FA and doesn't have rights to clear critical 2FA secret
true, if ACL allows current user to clear 2FA secret If return value is true, but bLoggedInUsing2FA is false, then setting up 2FA for current user is required before user is allowed to clear secret.